Bigamy – Legal Provisions in India

Bigamy – Legal Provisions in India

Marriage, one of the oldest institutions of Humankind, had different marriage codes for example polygamy, polyandry, bigamy, and monogamy. Monogamy was not a popular way of life since the inception of Humankind, and it gained popularity in the different systems of the World and cultures in the last ...

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Secularism in the Holy Book of Indians

Secularism in the Holy Book of Indians

RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY Religious diversity, without a doubt, necessitates the protection of all religions, sects, and religious practices within India. Under our Constitution, it cannot be presumed that the worship of one religion confers superior rights from another religion. It is true that a person...

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Transgender Right

Transgenders Right to Equality & Much Needed Gender Neutrality in Laws

Our great nation has vibrant democracy governed by Rule of Law, with our founding fathers copiously discussing all the constitutions of the World and its evolution of over 150 years during the constituent assembly debates. Our geniuses in the constituent assembly deliberated for almost three years, ...

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Taxation Provisions through the Prism of Constitution

Taxation Provisions through the Prism of Constitution

INTRODUCTION The Constitution of India being grundnorm of our country limits the powers of the Government, Institutions and individuals in power positions thereby, introducing accountability in the system. The constitution has 3 organs namely, legislature, executive, judiciary, and the separation of...

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Mens Rea

Understaning Criminal State of Mind or “Mens Rea”

Mens rea is latin term that literarily means evil intend or guilty mind. The above-stated maxim “actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea” states that a person is said to be guilty if the act has been done by a guilty mind or with evil intention. While fixing the liability of an individual it [&he...

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Adultery, Insanity and Desertion as Grounds of Divorce

Adultery as a ground of Divorce

Marriage, being one of the oldest institutions to Humankind, acted as a foundational pillar across cultures and countries, it played a vital role in the success of human beings as a race for centuries. Marriage as an institution is largely successful perhaps due to monogamy as a preferred way of lif...

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What is Patent? Basics & Overview

What is Patent? Basics & Overview

A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. The present Indian position in respect of patent law is governed by the provisions of the Patents Act, 19...

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What is SC:ST Act? A Brief Introduction

What is SC/ST Act? A Brief Introduction

Atrocities against members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are not a thing of the past. They continue to be a reality in our society even today. Hence, the statutory provisions which have been enacted by Parliament as a measure of protecting the constitutional rights of persons belongin...

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Crime Against Women

Crime Against Women: Evils of Dowry & Cruelty

There is a phenomenal rise in crime against women. Women’s protection under the Indian Constitution and other legislations will be significant only if those responsible for upholding the law are sensitized to women’s issues. The crime committed by women is skyrocketing. Understanding the...

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PIL to dispel fear of Leprosy and its impact on ground of Divorce

PIL to dispel fear of Leprosy and its impact on ground of Divorce

Historical aspect of Leprosy: There have been a number of myths and misconceptions about leprosy in India for centuries. According to old tales, Leprosy is a genetic and contagious disease caused by dirty blood and poverty. Many people also believe that Leprosy is spread through food and water and t...

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Adultery, Insanity and Desertion as Grounds of Divorce

Adultery, Insanity and Desertion as Grounds of Divorce

Adultery, cruelty, two years of desertion, conversion to a religion other than Hinduism, incurable insanity or mental disorder, virulent and incurable leprosy, venereal disease in a communicable form, taking sanyasa (renunciation of the world by entering a holy order), and presumed death are the sev...

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Res Judicata under CPC

Res Judicata under CPC

RES JUDICATA (Interest reipublicae ut sit finis litium): It works on the public policy that ‘it is in the interest of the state that there should be an end to the litigation, to provide justice to the masses while ensuring that there is no abuse of the process of law. It works on the very [&hellip...

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SEDITION & UAPA Are These Provisions License to Abuse Power
SEDITION & UAPA – Are These Provisions License to Abuse Power?
SEDITION & UAPA – Are These Provisions License to Abuse Power?
Bigamy – Legal Provisions in India
Secularism in the Holy Book of Indians
Transgender Right
Taxation Provisions through the Prism of Constitution