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Best Law Firm For Bail Cases Matters in Gurgaon India

Best Law Firm For Bail Cases Matters in Gurgaon India .

Bail cases can be complex and vary greatly depending on the circumstances. Here are some key aspects of bail cases:

– Types of Bail:
– Anticipatory Bail: granted before arrest, allowing the accused to avoid police custody ¹
– Regular Bail: granted after arrest, allowing the accused to be released from police custody ¹
– Grounds for Bail Cancellation:
– Interference or attempt to interfere with the due course of administration of justice ¹
– Evasion or attempt to evade the course of justice or abuse of the liberty granted ¹
– Landmark Judgments:
– Aslam Babalal Desai v. State of Maharashtra (1992): established grounds for bail cancellation ¹
– Deepak Kumar Sah v. The State of Bihar (2015): granted bail on condition of maintaining the complainant ¹
– Nityanand Rai v. State of Bihar (2005): held that grounds for bail cancellation must arise after bail is granted ¹
– Factors Considered for Granting Bail:
– Nature of the offense ¹
– Severity of the punishment ¹
– Possibility of the accused fleeing or tampering with evidence ¹